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  • 希腊悲剧索福克里斯《伊底帕斯王》(i)

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    西概 95s1_08-1 Oedipus the King
    希悲剧: 克斯《伊底帕斯王》(I) Sophocles's Oedipus the King
    讲座日期: 2006, 12/20 陈吉斯 淡江大学英文系 专任助教授 kiss7445@mail.tku.edu.tw Office: (02)26215656 ext.2966 Room: FL632
    图 1.
    图 2. Oedipus the King
    Prologue (ll1-173) 开场白
    请大家打开讲义,我们讲义的编号 142 页这个地方,那我们上次已经有跟大家标示 这一个剧本的结构,我们就按照这个剧本 1 的结构阅,然后想像当初是怎麼演 出的(图 1).好大家看到剧本,我们现在接下页码是从原的剧本页码 433 页,一开 始是开场白(Prologue). Oedipus一开始就站在剧场的中间(图 2),现在看到原戏大概 是像这个样子,剧场像这个样子,Oedipus站在剧场的中间他在讲:" Children, young sons and daughters of old Cadmus, why do you sit here with your
    Sophocles, Oedipus the King, form Copper et al eds, Prentice Hall Literature: World Masterpieces (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996), 429-473.
    西概 95s1_08-1 Oedipus the King
    suppliant crowns The town is heavy with a mingled burden of sounds and smells, of groans and hymns and incense; I did not think it fit that I should here of this from messengers but came myself, (443, ll 1-6) 他是他对著一群他的臣民,那是底比斯的人,他城面有很多哀嚎的声音, 那也有很多焚香的味道,为麼 因为城面有瘟疫,为要净化除邪所以用焚香;那 他他身为一个国王,他觉得应该等到使者跟他报告发生麼事情,他必须亲身 看人民的况.这段话显示他是一个很负责的国王. 好那现在接下有一群祭司的代表与伊底帕斯对话.从第 13 这边开始,他面 讲我们这边是哪些祭司,(第 17 ) : "I the priest of Zeus",再跳过几,另外一 个祭司接著 "at the double shrine of Pallas",那是指 Athena,雅典娜的祭司;还有"temple where Ismenus gives oracles"那是 Apollo 神殿的祭司,所以是 Zeus 神殿,Athena 神殿跟 Apollo 神殿的祭司作代表,跟 Oedipus 讲话,那讲麼 A blight is on the fruitful plants of the earth, A blight is on the cattle in the fields, a blight is on our women that no children are born to them; a God that carries fire, a deadly pestilence, is on our town, strikes us and spares not, and the house of Cadmus is emptied of its people while black Death grows rich in groaning and lamentation. (434, ll26-33) 祭司代表讲: 「大地上灾难,植物长出,要耕种的牛也有灾难,也就是瘟 疫,动物死掉;怀孕小孩,怀小孩,养育小孩的这些妇也没办法生孩子,那现在整 个国家都有有瘟疫(pestilence),那让 Cadmus 的后代就是他们的祖先伤亡惨重」 ,现在要 请国王想办法, We have not come as suppliants to this alter because we thought of you as of a God, but rather judging you the first of men in all the chances of this life and when we mortals have to do with more than man. You came and by your coming saved our city, freed us from tribute which we paid of old to the Sphinx, cruel singer. (434) 祭司代表又讲: 「我们这边是求情的,而是因为您以前当初到底比斯的时候, 驱除人面狮身怪兽(Sphinx)的危害,也解除一个瘟疫」 ,他认为国王有办法解决. 但是我们现在想一下,我们在看戏的时候,回想当初的这些雅典的观众他们是怎 麼看到这个场面的 是神殿的祭司作代表跟国王讲这件事情,当然他要讲: 「我们 是代替人民讲的,是因为你是最有能」 ;事实刚好相反,他是代替人民讲话的; 所以是人民去求神,对对,那他们是神殿的祭司嘛,所以是祭司把百姓到各处神殿 的祈求意思传达给国王知道.所以在这出戏显示,希的信仰的精神慢慢的从宗教转 成比较实际的政治,所以人民的声音是去求神对对,可是这个声音最后要传达到国王 那边.由谁去实现人民的盼望 是神在做,是人的「神」在做—是人在实践,所以现 实面是由国王处的.好, Oedipus 就讲: I pity you, children. You have come full of longing, but I have known the story before you told it only too well. I know you are all sick, yet there is not one of you, sick though you are, that is as sick as myself. (434)


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