• 未18岁禁止观看的图片 > 从网自拍看我国对於猥亵性言之规范-以刑法第235条为主
  • 从网自拍看我国对於猥亵性言之规范-以刑法第235条为主

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    文档作者:Debby Gambling
    从网自拍看我国对於猥亵性言之规范-以刑法第235条为主 Posting One's Naked Self-Pictures to Internet:On The Regulation of Obscene Speech and Criminal Law §235.
    世新大学法研究所 研究生 四维街103巷3号4 台县234永和市 jolie_liao@ms90.url.com.tw
    摘要 网使用者基於身体自主权,透过各种拍摄工具自我拍摄并将涉及人体曝,性器 官或男性为的自拍品上传至网上的为,并一定会该当於刑法第235条所定的 犯罪,其主要取决於网自拍品是否为猥亵品以及网使用者透过网传布其自拍品的 为是否该当於刑法第235条所定的传布型态;其次,以表达自我为目的的网自拍品, 客观上虽可能会被认定为猥亵性言,但考实现个人自我为保障言自由之目的之 一,此种网自拍应该受宪法言自由之保障,惟面青少身心发展之议题时,其可 能必须受到限制;另一方面,各界对於网自拍的看法所反应的是长期对於是否有必要 规范猥亵性言并将其入罪化的辩,本文认为除避免冒犯到那些愿看到该言的 人以及青少身心发展的维护外,网自拍加地突显出以公序俗,激性犯罪,性 别歧视等由规范猥亵性言的合性.如果以避免冒犯到愿看到猥亵性言者以 及青少身心发展的维护为目的,刑法第235条全面性地禁止猥亵性言的作法似乎范 围过广,目的与手段相当.建议将刑法第235条的犯罪成要件限缩於散布,播送, 贩卖,陈猥亵性言予未满18岁者以及愿看到该言者,或考废除刑法第235条 之规定,由政罚处罚即可. 关键词:自拍,猥亵性言,刑法第235条. Abstract It will not be necessarily illegal if an internet user uploads his naked self-pictures on websites. It depends on whether the self-picture is the so-called obscene speech and whether his behavior violates Sec. 235 of Criminal Law. And, since the speech to realize the individual self-fulfillment or self-expression is protected by the free speech clause, the naked self-pictures token and uploaded to the internet for the sake of the individual self-fulfillment or self-expression shall be protected by the constitution even though its content is the picture
    本文曾发表於 2004 台湾网际网研讨会(TANET),感谢与会人士与评审所提出之宝贵意,并感谢中 央警察大学『资讯,科技与社会』学报名审稿委员对於本文所提出的宝贵意.
    of the naked body. However, the interest of protecting the freedom speech right of that internet user might be outweighed by that of protecting the mental development of the children and teenagers. On the other hand, the critiques or opinions on the internet user's uploading his naked self-pictures/videos on websites reflect the long-term argument on the issue whether we shall impose the criminal penalty on the production and dissemination of the obscene speech. To some extent, it is not plausible to criminalize the production and dissemination of the obscene speech because it violates the moralities of the society, possibly stimulates the sexual crimes and discriminates women. Also, if the end of criminal law §235 is to keep the healthy metal development of teenagers and children and to keep obscene speech away from those who are not willing to see that speech, its means prohibiting both the production and dissemination of obscene speech broadly is not proper to its goal. Therefore, it is argued that Criminal Law §235 shall be amended. Or it will be better to decriminalize the production and dissemination of the obscene speech and regulate it by administrative regulations whose goal is to protect the mental development of teenagers and children and to discourage the obscene speech from being an offense to those who are unwilling to see it. Keywords: self-picture,obscene speech,Criminal Law §235. 一,前言 拜网以及位科技的发达,台湾近卷起一股网自拍风,网自拍的内容五 花八门,但近较引人注目者则为以人体曝,性器官或是男性为等为内容的自拍 影像,对於此的网自拍各界的看法并一.但从法的角看,直接涉及人体, 性器官或是男性为的曝的网自拍品并当然就是猥亵性言,网使用者将个 人的自拍品透过网传布的为并当然就会该当於刑法妨害风化罪,而表现自我系为 我国宪法言自由所保障的范围之一,应有受到宪法言自由的保障.另一方面,各界 对於网自拍的看法所反应的是长期以存於猥亵性言规范的争,意即是否有必要 规范猥亵性言并将其入罪化. 本文将从网自拍风潮谈起并依此重新检视猥亵性言的规范问题,即是否有必要 将猥亵性言入罪化.首先,本文将就网自拍进概性的介绍;其次,讨网自 拍和刑法第 235 条的适用;最后,则探讨猥亵性言的规范问题. 二,网自拍 (一) 网自拍的定义 网建设的普及以及相关位科技的发达促使网自拍的盛.网自拍指网使 用者基於对自己身体的掌控权,透过各种拍摄工具自我拍摄并将其上传至网上,网 使用者从事网自拍为的动机并一,大致可分为二,第一为以营为目的之网 自拍,网自拍者旨在用网自拍谋取益,1第二则以营为目的,网自 拍者之主要目的有为挑战权威,较胆势,争取同侪认同,2或为取悦网友,3或是以自


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