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  • 美国研究季刊

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    文档作者:Merlin Hyman
    美 国 研 究
    季 刊 AMERICAN STUDIES 第7卷 6 月 5 日出版 1993 年第 2 期
    二十世纪后半叶世界舞台上的美国 ——《美国战后外交史:从杜鲁门到里根》绪论 一幅志在振兴美国经济的蓝图 ——评克林顿的第一个国情咨文 一九九二年大选与美国政治潮流的新变化 中美文化冲击—回应片论 逐渐升级战略及其失败 ——论 1965 至 1968 年美国对北越的轰炸 乔治凯南的外交思想 从"革命之子"到"云游仙人" ——美国早期自由主义政治观的兴衰 美国的民族良心 ——评介 1989 年新发现的马克吐温一篇书评 本期责任编辑: 赵 梅 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京仰山印刷厂 发行,订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街 5 号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行
    资中筠(4) 陈宝森(13) 贾 浩(20) 朱世达(34) 时殷弘(42) 周桂银(50) 姜新浩(60) 沈宗美(68)
    《美国研究》1993 年夏季号
    中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京 399 信箱 定价: 国内版 3.00 元 国际版 3.00 美元(邮费在外)
    AMERICAN STUDIES Summer 1993 CONTENTS AMERICA ON THE WORLD STAGE OF THE LATTER HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY Zi Zhongyun (4) The essay is an introduction to A History of Postwar American Diplomacy, which covers the Cold War period featured by the rivalry between the two superpowers. Herein lie the unique characteristics of U.S. diplomacy. Now in the post-Cold War period two questions are usually asked. First, facing serious challenges, is the United States declining Second, as the only world superpower, will it be more assertive in pursuing hegemony The author's answer to both questions is negative. A BLUE-PRINT FOR REVITALIZING U.S. ECONOMY Chen Baosen(13) In his first State of the Union message, Pres. Clinton resolved on reversing Reaganomics from tax cut to tax hike, from benefitting the rich to fairness, from an anti-industrial policy to a de facto industrial policy, and from anti-tuning to fine-tuning in order to cure the U.S. syndrome of high consumption-low investment and high deficit-low saving. His success hinges on whether he can overcome partisanship in Congress and resistance from vested interests, and whether he can narrow the gap between expectations and reality. THE 1992 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND NEW CHANGES IN U.S. POLITICAL TREND Jia Hao(20) The failure of the Bush administration's economic policy disrupted the conservative coalition on which the Republican Party had relied heavily for winning previous elections. In 1992, a new political coalition of the Democrats emerged. It not only retained the Democratic Party's traditional voters but also drew to its side some conservatives who used to support the Republicans or had even been part of them. This helped to form a new Democratic majority in the campaign and resulted in the election of a Democratic president, Bill Clinton. THOUGHTS ON SINO-AMERICAN CULTURAL IMPACT-RESPONSE MODEL Vol. 7, No. 2


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