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  • qq for check point

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    QQ for check Point
    Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring for Check Point Firewalls Protect Your Corporate Data Through Proactive Firewall Monitoring As the gatekeeper between corporate data assets and the external world, firewalls are the critical line of defense against network intruders, whose increasingly sophisticated and indiscriminate break-ins render every Internet-connected network a target. And vulnerabilities can be inadvertently introduced by administrators when they execute firewall policy changes, causing the network to become vulnerable to intrusions from hackers, worms or trojans. The only solution is to proactively conduct network vulnerability surveillance as part of the firewall policy update process. Eliminate Vulnerabilities With the First OPSEC-Certified Security Assessment Service for VPN-1/FireWall-1 QQ for Check Point is the first Web-based Managed Vulnerability Assessment service integrated with the OPSEC Framework that continuously audits Check Point VPN-1/FireWall-1 in real time. The service monitors the Check Point Enterprise Management Console or Provider-1 to determine when policy changes occur to enforcement points. When a firewall policy change is detected, the service identifies which hosts/IP ranges the firewall protects, analyzes them, and produces near-instant feedback on how the newly-deployed policy looks to the outside world. Email notification is sent to the firewall
    Check Point 专用 QQ
    针对 Check Point 防火墙实施连 续的漏洞评估和监视
    通过积极防火墙监测方法保护您公司的数 据 作为公司数据资源与外界的一道关卡, 防火墙是防御网络攻击者的关键部位. 网络 攻击者越来越高级, 并且不加选择的攻击使 得每一个与互联网连接的网络成为其攻击 对象. 当网络管理员执行防火墙策略变动时 网络漏洞会在毫不注意的情况下引入,于 是,整个网络在黑客,蠕虫和木马的攻击下 就表现得分外脆弱. 解决这种问题的唯一方 案是把网络漏洞监视作为防火墙升级的步 骤之一. 使用首家通过 OPSEC(安全性开放式平台) 认可的针对 VPN(虚拟专用网)-1 和 FireWall-1 (防火墙)-1 的网络安全评估 服务来消除网络中的安全隐患 Check Point 专用 QQ 系统是第一个基于 Web 的漏洞管理评估服务, 它已经被集成于 OPSEC(安全性开放式平台)框架中.该框 架 可 以 实 时 对 Check Point VPN-1/FireWall-1 进行检查.该项服务通过 监 视 Check Point 企 业 控 制 管 理 平 台 或 Provider-1 来判定策略变动何时出现在实 施点.当防火墙策略变动被监测到时,该项 服务会查找被动放火前所保护的所有主机 和 IP 地址范围,对其进行分析,从而以接 近即时的速度给出反馈, 描述新近部署的策 略从外部的角度观察是怎样一种状态. 邮件 通知信息被发送到防火墙管理员处, 在邮件 里还附有指向完整图文形式 HTML 报告链 接.同时,通过 Check Point 日志查看器, 用户还可以查看带有评估总结的日志条目 .


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