• 2011年钢琴小提琴大赛 > 欢迎莅临欣赏由蜚声国际的青年钢琴家郎朗与香港管弦乐...
  • 欢迎莅临欣赏由蜚声国际的青年钢琴家郎朗与香港管弦乐...

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    文档作者:Edward Ferguson
    关键词:Jun 1/99
    BOC CSR Ad
    欢迎莅临欣赏由蜚声国际的青年钢琴家郎朗与香港管弦乐团及著名指挥家丹尼夫携手合作的 「中国之子」 音乐会. 郎朗凭藉在音乐领域上的成就,荣登2009年 《时代》 杂志百位最具影响力的人士之一.他不单只是 一位星级中国钢琴家,而是散发著无穷魅力和感染力的文化艺术大使.他的成功 发了四千万中国儿童 学习古典钢琴,拉近了大众和古典音乐的距离,同时更启迪了永不言弃,刻苦锻鍊的精神. 郎朗的卓越成就,不仅反映在其璀璨辉煌的音乐事业上,他更以音乐作桥梁,扮演 「世界和平使者」 的 重要角色,为公益事业不遗余力.他的善心,善行,与中银香港积极履行企业社会责任,努力促进 经济,社会和环境可持续发展的理念同出一辙.我们很高兴成为 「中国之子」 音乐会的冠名赞助机构,更 感谢郎朗在音乐会的彩排环节,与香港年青一代交流古典音乐演奏的经验. 文化艺术有助丰富生活,提升创意.中国银行 (香港) 在致力为客户提供优质金融服务的同时,一向积极 推动香港文化艺术发展,期为市民带来缤纷多采,朝气洋溢的文化生活. 郎朗每一次演出,均是一场扣人心弦的音乐盛典,他弹奏的贝多芬第一钢琴协奏曲专辑,更曾在古典音乐 畅销榜占据榜首.现在就让我们一起暂且放下紧张的生活节奏,欣赏郎朗与香港管弦乐团的精彩演出!
    Welcome to the The Pride of China concert, presented by Lang Lang, the renowned young pianist, together with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the acclaimed conductor Stéphane Denève. With distinguished achievement in classical music and one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world in 2009, Lang Lang is not only a star Chinese Pianist, he is an ambassador of art and culture. His success has inspired 40 million Chinese children to learn to play classical piano, bringing the public closer to the classical world and encouraging youngsters to pursue their dreams with perseverance. Lang Lang's remarkable achievements have not only been recognised in the music world, his role as a "Messenger of World Peace" through music and charity has earned him wide acclaim. His benevolence and outstanding character match the aims of Bank of China (Hong Kong) to uphold its commitments to corporate social responsibility and build a harmonious society. We are delighted to be the sponsor of The Pride of China concert and would like to express gratitude to Lang Lang for sharing his knowledge and passion for classical music with the youngsters in Hong Kong through a specially arranged rehearsal session. Art and culture enrich our life and nurture creativity. While continuing to serve our community with quality and innovative banking products and services, Bank of China (Hong Kong) supports arts and cultural development in Hong Kong, bringing vitality to the lives of Hong Kong citizens. A magnificent performance by Lang Lang is not to be missed! His album of the First Beethoven Piano Concerto debuted at No.1 on the Classical Billboard Chart. Now let us escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy his live performance with the Hong Kong Philharmonic!


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