• cyclohexanone > Substituent Effects on the Stereochemistry of Substituted Cyclohexanone Dimethylhydrazone Alkylations. An X-ray of Lithiated Cyclohexanone
  • Substituent Effects on the Stereochemistry of Substituted Cyclohexanone Dimethylhydrazone Alkylations. An X-ray of Lithiated Cyclohexanone

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    4868 J. Am. Chem. SOC., Vol. 106, No. 17, 1984 is coordinated to one anion in an v4 fashion and to the other in an 11' fashion. The Li-NMe2 contacts are short relative to values reported for Li-TMEDA complexes.'* The four atoms C1, C2, N7, and N8 ...

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