• 不锈钢管壳式换热器 > 集成管箱型管壳式换热器的设计分析
  • 集成管箱型管壳式换热器的设计分析

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    管海清 ,马一太 ,杨俊兰 ,李敏霞
    (天津大学 热能研究所 ,天津 300072)
    摘要:空调热泵系统中所用的 CO2 跨临界循环管壳式换热器 ,管侧流动的是 CO2 工质 ,换热管的内
    侧压力相对较高 ,高压大约为 10 MPa;壳侧流动的是水 ,基本是常压.采用高温高压换热器需要按
    照压力容器设计标准 ,会使整个换热器设备较为笨重 ,并会造成系统设备成本提高.针对 CO2 跨临
    界循环的特定要求 ,设计出了耐高压防泄漏的集成管箱型换热器 ,在确保安全性的同时 ,使系统结
    构紧凑 ,技术难度降低 ,从而使成本得到有效控制 ,可以促使 CO2 跨临界循环更快的走向实际应用.
    文中还对换热器管路的安全性进行了分析 , 并给出了准确度较高的可用关联式来计算 CO2 流体在
    关键词 :CO2 跨临界循环;集成管箱型管壳式换热器;安全性分析;换热关联式
    中图分类号 :TQ05115 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1001 - 4837(2003) 09 - 0017 - 04
    Design and Analysis of Shell - and - Tube Heat Exchanger
    with Integrated Tube - box
    GUAN Hai - qing ,MA Yi - tai ,YANG Jun - lan ,LI Min - xia
    (Institute of Thermal Energy Research , Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300072 ,China)
    Abstract :In the field of CO2 transcritical cycle air - conditioning and heat pump , CO2 fluid flows in the tubes
    of heat exchanger with high pressure about 10MPa and water flows in the shell of heat exchanger with normal
    pressure. If the heat exchanger is designed as high - pressure and high - temperature heat exchanger according
    to the standards of pressure vessel , the device may be too cumbersome and the cost may be too high. The new2
    ly designed integrated tube - box shell - and - tube heat exchanger exactly to CO2 transcritical cycle can en2
    durance high pressure , reduce the leakage and make the device compact besides safety. Safety analysis has
    been carried out on the tubes of heat exchanger. Some correlations with high veracity are presented which can
    be used to calculate the heat transfer coefficients of CO2 flows in tubes of gas - cooler and evaporator.
    Key words :CO2 transcritical cycle ;integrated tube - box shell - and - tube heat exchanger ; safety analysis ;
    heat transfer correlation
    A ———换热管截面积
    Bo ———Bond 数p———设计压力 ,MPa
    D ———换热管内径
    Do ———管子外径 ,mm
    E ———加强因子
    G ———CO2 质流率


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