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  • 香港设计中心诚意推介

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    文档语言: B?蝼葒
    About Hong Kong Design Centre
    Hong Kong Design Centre is a publicly-funded, non-profit organisation with the support of the design industry to help local designers and businesses realise their full potential. We take a leadership role in championing strategic and wider use of design for creating business added value among various stakeholders and organisations in the government, private, public, professional and academic sectors and communicate its community benefits through a wide array of educational, business and outreach initiatives and programmes.
    香港设计中心是由业界支持下成立的非牟利机构,获香港特区政府 资助营运,致力协助本地设计师和企业发挥潜能,积极与政府,公 私营机构,专业团体及学界联系,提倡广泛及策略性地应用设计为 企业创新价值,并透过多元化的教育,商业及外展活动和项目,让 大众明白设计为社会带来之裨益.
    香港:创意生态 — 商机,生活,创意
    Hong Kong: Creative Ecologies – Business, Living, Creativity
    Hong Kong: Creative Ecologies - Business, Living, Creativity is a one-year programme, comprising an exhibition and public forums to profile Hong Kong's creative industries and design power. Fully supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government, the project offers an exploration of the "Create Ecologies" of Hong Kong and the city's creative DNA, showcase the iconic works of Hong Kong's leading designers and creative disciplines, and covering genres ranging from fashion and luxury goods, to product, spatial design and service systems. It is intended to be a premier platform to show the energy, style, innovation and branding power of Hong Kong design and designers to Hong Kong citizens and international visitors.
    「香港:创意生态-商机,生活,创意」是一项为期一年的大型设计顶目,并由香港政府资助的多元化大型活动,旨在向香港市民以至来自世界各地的游客展示香港设计 的活力,风格,创意和品牌建构的能力.展览部份解读香港设计及创意产业发展的基因,表达其自由的传统,兼收并蓄的思想,高度自治,以及背靠泛珠三角洲,连接 国际网络等等优势,如何成为高效率的创意基地,涌现出大量国际性及高水准的设计和品牌;既现代化又具备地域文化元素,同时有效地吸引了海外专才.继上海世博 期间举行的展览及活动后,项目由现在至五月十一日,假香港文化博物馆再度举行.
    Curator 策展人
    DANNY YUNG 荣念曾
    Danny Yung is an experimental art pioneer, the founder cum Co-Artistic Director of Zuni Icosahedron and Chairperson of the Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture. In the past 30 years he has been deeply involved in multifarious fields of the arts, mainly, theatre, cartoon, film and video, visual art and installation. In 2008 with Tears of Barren Hill he garnered the Music Theatre NOW Award given by UNESCO's International Theatre Institute. He was bestowed the Merit Cross of the Order of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany in 2009 in recognition of his contributions towards the arts and cultural exchange between Germany and Hong Kong. In 2010, the Chinese Creative Industries Forum was founded under his advocacy, gathering experts in creative industries, education, research, media and political sectors from the mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau to discuss the future of the Chinese creative industries.


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