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  • 《新标准小学英语》教学案例------what do you like?

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    《新标准小学英语》教学案例------what do you like? 吉林省辽源市龙山实验小学 庞丹 课题名称:-what do you like?? 教材:Module 2/Unit2listen and say 课时说明:第1课时 活动材料:CAI课件、单词卡片、录音机、邮票若干. 语言技能:Listening、speaking、reading and writing. 教学目标: 1、知识目标 学习怎样用英语表达询问爱好what's your hobby?--- I like doing something.\... . 学习词组:collecting stamps,riding a bike,diving,playing the violin,making kites… 并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定交际任务. 2、情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识,. 3、能力目标 培养学生的观察力、想象力、动手操作能力,提高学生感受美、欣赏美的水平,发展学生综合运用语言的能力. 4、德育目标 培养学生学生拥有良好的爱好,有正确的审美观和创造力. 教学重点 : 学习怎样用英语表达询问爱好what's your hobby?--- I like doing something.\... . 教学难点 : 激发学生的求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验参与,主动学习关于爱好的表达法---动名词的构成. 学生情况分析 : 本案例适合小学六年级学生在英语的语言学习上已初具能力.因此,在教学中应在培养学生听说能力的基础上,应注重提高他们读写的能力. 教学过程: Warming—up: 1.Sing a song:what are you going to do? 2.Greetings:How do you go to school? Revision: Review the words : Sing \dance\collect leaves\swim\make a snowman\ run\ sit\lie\die… Presentation: 1.Teacher teach the new phrases: ride a bike,dive,play the violin,make kites,collect stamps 2.Ask sb to read the phrases. 3.Then ask other students: What is he/she doing? He/She is riding a bike……. Learn the phrases: collecting stamps,riding a bike,diving,playing the violin,making kites… 4. T:I go to work by bike. Because I like riding a bike. What's your hobby? 5. Write the key sentences on the board. 6.Make some sentences.Use these two sentences. 7. T-What's his /her hobby? He/She likes ……. 8.Teach the grammar: 1.like+ n.\n.复数 +v.+ing—动名词 2.三单(he\she\it\人名)+v.s\es 9.There is a stamp show on Sunday. 板书:a stamp show Learn the dialogue by self and fill in the blanks. "Wu Yifan and John like There is a stamp show on ______. John's friend ____ collecting stamps ,too. They are going to the together." 3 Repeat by themselves. Practice: 1. let's try: listen and circle their hobbies. 2. watch the screen and learn: a bike show\ a kite show\ a painting show (欣赏展览并做对话) 3.Mike's composition: My hobby Hi,I'm Mike. I am from the USA. I'm a boy. I'm 12 years old. I like collecting stamps. And my friend Wu Yifan, he likes collecting stamps,too. There is a stamp show on Sunday. We are going to visit it.That will be fun. What's your hobby? Can you tell me? 4.Try to write a composition: "My hobby" Hi,my name is ____. I am a ___ from ______. I'm ____. I'm _____.I like And my friend_likes_______,too.There is a ____show on Sunday. We are going to visit it.That will be fun. What's your hobby? Can you tell me? Homework Try to write it. 板书: Unit 2 I have a pen pal. What's your hobby? riding a bike I like diving. He/she likes making kites. playing the violin. 教学反思: 一.教学设计: 这节课的主题是What do you like ? 在已学过 like+名词的复数的句型基础上,学习like+doing something 表示喜欢某种爱好?其中四个词组的动名词形式是本课教学中的难点. 首先,在导入环节我运用What are you doing? 句型,复习了现在进行时,意在复习"现在分词",从而本课"动名词"的学习做好铺垫. 其次,在学习新词组时我先从五年级学过的词组"collect leaves"学习"collect stamps",并利用音标使学生突破"集邮"这个教学中的难点.在学习play the violin时我运用课件中的声音导入,并将单词violin 分解成—vio—和—lin---,这使学生记忆单词的难度大大降低,较好地突破又一难点.教学中我还进行了play the piano\ play the guitar\ play the erhu…以及play football\ play ping-pong的区别的拓展练习.而在教学make kites , ride a bike , dive 这三个词组时,我运用学生对单词"元辅e"结构的理解,让学生自学:拼读单词,书写单词dive.教学中学生能准确的掌握知识,他们对词组记忆普遍深刻,效果理想.在学习词组后,我运用游戏"A Guess Game"---猜猜他们在做什么,来让学生学习"现在分词"既而学习了"动名词". 然后,在What do you like?---I like doing something . 句型的学习中我运用了听力练习、对话、自学阅读Let's talk等多种操练形式,来大量练习句型.为了使学生能感受良好的爱好,我运用课件进行了:Bike show \ kite show \ painting show进而让学生感受美,培养良好的爱好并自由表演对话. 最后,在阅读,表演对话的基础上,我以Mike 的身份让学生阅读了短文My Hobby,从而引导学生进行小练笔My Hobby的书写拓展练习,使学生在写的技能上得以提高. 二. 教学中的遗憾: 1.教学中我发现自己在设计教学过程中过于强调对听、说、读、写各个方面的训练,使得教学面面俱到,而重点不够突出. 2.对于引导学生写作的环节设计上,我觉得自己还是不敢放手让学生写,采取的方式还是以填词式的写作指导,这对提高学生的自主学习能力是不利的. 3,在对课程的情感提升方面,我感觉自己还应提高.应使学生在上完这节课后在对良好爱好与不良爱好上有自己的判断.
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