• sandstone > Geos 643: Sandstone Depositional Environments
  • Geos 643: Sandstone Depositional Environments

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    Geos 643: Sandstone Depositional Environments
    An advanced course treating the hydrodynamics, sediment dispersal patterns, and preservation potential of modern terrigenous clastic depositional environments and criteria for recognizing their ancient counterparts in the geologic record.
    Instructor: Paul McCarthy, 336 REIC (474-6894; mccarthy@gi.alaska.edu)
    Office hours: Mondays and Fridays 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (or by appointment)
    Useful texts:
    Reading, H.G. Sedimentary Environments: processes, facies and stratigraphy (3rd edition), Blackwell Science Pulb., Oxford, U.K. 706 p.
    Scholle, P.A. and Spearing, D. Sandstone Depositional Environments. AAPG Memoir, 31. Tulsa, OK. 410 p.
    Reineck, H.E. and Singh, I.B. Depositional Sedimentary Environments(2nd edition), Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 551 p.
    Walker, R.G. and Posamentier, H.W. (eds.). Facies Models Revisited. SEPM Special Publication, 84. 525 p.
    Course goals and expectations:
    This is a graduate level course in clastic depositional environments. The aims of this course are to provide you with technical training and theoretical background in clastic depositional environments beyond that which you may have obtained at the undergraduate level. From a practical point of view, the course will involve completion of a field-based research project, presentation of seminars and participation in discussions. We will be reading, presenting and discussing both text-book style material and research papers. Students will be expected to present much of the basic material as presentations to their peers. Weekly discussion of pertinent research papers is important, and, therefore, students are required to come to class with a summary of, and prepared to discuss, assigned papers.
    Grades for this course will be based on a 10-15 p. (excluding figures and tables) field-based research paper (30% first version; 20% second version), a constructive review of another student's research paper (10%), powerpoint presentations on several of the listed topics (30%), and participation in weekly discussions (10%). I will provide further information on what is required for the research paper and review after discussions with the class. I will be using the +/- grading option to better evaluate borderline cases.


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