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  • 桃源县职业中专自主学习教师教案

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    桃 源 县 职 业 中 专 自 主 学 习 教 师 教 案

    _____________ (教改实验教案)


    2011年3 月 19日____ 第 四_ 周_ 星期六____ 第_ 1_ 节

    课____ 题

    Lesson_ Five

    课 型





    知_ 识


    To have the students learn and master the new words and improve the students reading_ ability.

    教_ 学

    方_ 法

    Using pictures to create the real environment.


    情_ 感

    态_ 度


    To have the students master how to write a message


    To have the students master the words


    To have the students master the essential expressions


    Some pictures and postcard

    教____ 学____ 过____ 程

    程_ 序

    内_______________ 容

































    ___ Step 1_ Organize the class

    Greetings:  T: Good morning! S:… T: Let’s start now.

    (这一步骤中,首先邀请班上的值日生作一个daily report。这可以培养学生的口语表达能力,增强他们的表现欲,提高他们的学习积极性,展示教学目标。采用激励的手段,一方面鼓励学生积极主动的参与课堂活动,另一方面引出下一步新单词)

    ____ Step 2_ Presentation(学生自学探究)

    __ (板书:Lesson_ Five)(展示教学目标)


    1、 The students learn by themselves. They read the passage quickly and find the new words they don't know. Let them write the_ words_ on the_ blackboard ,then_ let_ them_ look up_ the_

    Words_ in the dictionary_ and_ write_ the meaning_ on the blackboard . (分组布置任务)


    2、Teach the words ,let them read the_ words together .Then one by one . ___ (分组完成任务)


    3、Next work in groups._ Let them write the words of_ family

    Members .And see which team can write the most words .Then write

    The words on the blackboard and read together.

    __ (分组完成任务)

    ___ Step 3__ Read and learn by students

    _ (学生分组讨论交流、教师点拨讲解)

    ___ Let us read the message again ,let them understand the message ,then students translate the message 、find out the phrases that they know and they don’t know.

    write the expressions on the blackboard


    ___ Step 3_ practice

    1、Let us read the postcard_ again, and work in groups_ to answer the questions.


    2、Let them write the answers on the blackboard.

    _ (分组写作竞赛)

    3、Check the answer.


    ___ Step 4_ Play a guessing game

    __ Ask a student to stand in front of the class and act ,others guess :what is he doing ?


    ___ Step5__ Consolidation_ and_ Evaluation

    To see which team has the most total.

    Then each of this team can get one point and a candy bar.



    _____________ Lesson_ Five


    Step 1_ Organize the class Greetings: 

    Step 2_ Presentation__ New words_ Useful expressions

    Step3__ practice

    Step4__ Play a guessing game

    Step5__ Consolidation_ and_ Evaluation




    __ 本课充分利用读、写写和做游戏等手段组织教学,采用激励机制,辅以歌曲等,极大限度地调动学生求知欲望。充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体作用,较理想的实现了新课程标准中所提倡的自主性教学理念,较好地的完成了本节课的教学目标



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